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In Jadever, we develop, manufacture and market a wide variety of scales & accessories related to weighing from simple to sophisticated weighing systems, Weighing Scale, Counting Scale, Portable Scale, Precision Balance, Bench Scale, Retail Scale, Indicator, Crane Scale, Platform, Controller, Semi-auto Packing Machine. Load-cell, Junction Box, & Thernal Transfer Printer all under one roof . With an extensive line of scales hardware, we offer the lowest price and most complete sets of solutions to any weighing requirement. Weighing sensors weighing device (load-cells) (Electric Scales) (Weighing Indicators)

Company Profile

  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • ODM Manufacturer
    • Exporter/Agent
  • Markets
      North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong