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Oil Pressure Switch

Product ID: LF20

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The LF20 pressure switch is specifically designed to stand up to extended
duty applications. This switch is factory set but capable of field adjustment. It
features different diaphragms for compatibility with a wide variety of fluids, and
various terminations including a Metri-Pack connector that forms a tight seal
when connected. Among the outstanding design benefits are its durable
construction, compact size, and enhanced set point integrity. It can be widely
used for pool and spa, anti-skid braking systems, water pump systems, and dental
air compressors etc.
Max Operating Pressure 150 PSI for 0.5-24 PSI set point range
250 PSI for 25-150 PSI set point range
Media Air,motor oils, transmission oils, jet fuels and other similar hydrocarbon media; water (provide with special diaphragm material)
As a pressure control specialist,our company could supply customer in the customer's needs.We also offer pressure switch as following

LF25 Pressure Switch (2.9-130 PSI)
LF08PS Pressure Switch
LF20 Extended Duty Pressure Switch (0.5-150 PSI)
LF20-V Vacuum Switch (1.1~22 inHg)
LF20-H High Pressure Switch (10~400 PSI)
Your request and attention is highly appreciated
.High quality and professional

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Pressure Switch