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our oval steel pipes

our oval steel pipes

seamless square pipe, conical steel pipe, oval steel pipe, octagonal steel pipe, alloy round steel pipe, hexagonal steel pipe

Product ID: Special-shaped steel

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We manufacture large-diameter thick-walled conical and oval steel pipes (according to customer’s request), with specification ranging from 30x60 to 500x900 and wall thickness from 3 mm to 25 mm, materials including stainless steel of Q235B, Q345B / D, 20 # and so on. These kinds of steel pipes we produced are mainly applied in machinery manufacturing, steel structures, shipbuilding and military products. Our company owns a production line of 500x500 large-section oval steel pipe cold-formed bending roller and roll forming bending, and equipment of straightening, cutting and polishing, so we are able to enlarge and deepen the molded steel pipes. Oval steel pipes with large diameter and thick wall are our main product, filling some product-gaps both at home and abroad. Our company aims to provide services to old and new customers with the principle of more varieties, high precision and fast delivery speed.
  • 9002

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special-shaped steel pipes such as conical steel pips, oval steel pipe