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Shanghai Laineng Industries Co., Ltd. is a professional company engaged in the production and sales of 304 metal flexible tubes and flexible stainless steel tubes for natural/LP gas and fluid conveyance applications. We serve customers in the Commercial Food service, Residential and Appliance OEM markets. Our products safely connect a wide variety of appliances to gas supply. We also design and manufacture interior gas and fluid conveyance assemblies for major appliance OEMs.

In all of our markets, Shanghai Laineng Industries Co., Ltd. is an engaged industry participant, playing an active role with customers, trade associations and standard organizations. With many years of knowledge accumulation and experience, our company has had a proven track record and unmatched quality that customers and industrial professionals rely on. Please contact us if you need additional information or if our design teams can help meet your application or business requirements.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Shanghai city
  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
  • Markets
      North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / China / Hong Kong