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starking wire drawing dies co.,ltd
For more than 20 years StarKing Wire Drawing Die Co., Ltd. has always been dedicated to producing custom made quality wire drawing dies to meet customer specifications, today StarKing Wire Die is the No. One manufacturer and supplier of wire drawing dies in China. Our product range includes natural diamond dies, polycrystalline diamond dies, tungsten carbide dies, extrusion tips and dies, enameling dies and die refurbishing services.

StarKing Wire Die (SK) was established in 1990 to produce and supply diamond drawing dies to the soft wire industry (copper, aluminum and low carbon wire etc), from 2000 StarKing Wire Die expanded to produce wire dies for high tensile wires, especially from 2006 StarKing Wire Die started to produce wire dies for sawing wire with tensile strength 4000 N/sqmm.

Nowadays, StarKing Wire Die is the global top supplier of wire dies for sawing wire, and currently working with more than 20 producers of sawing wire, such as Bekaert sawing wire plants worldwide. Equipped with 4 Conoptica CU10 machines (global leading and recognized system for measuring drawing dies), our product quality and quality control are always in the highest level.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    yangshe town, zhangjiagang cit
  • Business types
    • Exporter/Agent
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