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extinguisher filling machine

Product ID: 2

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All types of extinguisher Filling machine and extinguisher test machine are avaible in our company,the main specification as follows:

Powder filling machine
GFM8-2 Automatic (stainless steel)
GFM8-2 Automatic (with printer)

Carbon dioxide filler
GTM, ordinary
GTM-B with electronic scale
GTM-B with printer

MDG nitrogen filler

Model 2D-SY (6. 3-80 Mpa) electric hydraulic test pump

Other test machine for your fire exitinguisher producing line also awailabe in our factory.

Fire extinguisher nitrogen filler
Fire extinguisher airtight test box
Fire extinguisher airtight test box
Fire extinguisher dry box
Electric hydraulic test pump
Welding machine
.filling mahcine and test machine

Main Products

fire extinguisher ,abc powder ,fire alarm ,extinguisher parts