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Specialty Blades

Product ID: Specialty Blades

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Blades manufactured are made of highest quality Swiss Steel, Carbon as well as Stainless Steel which is recommended
for various Industries such as Plastic, Rubber, Food, Textile, Films, Foils, etc.

The following are a few range of blades to name that are manufactured for our valued customers in their respective
brands all around the world:
Hobby, Craft, Hook blades, Bread Slicer knives, Injector, Snap off cutters, paper cutters, Surgical, Grafting, Film
Cutters, Pyramid Cutters, Double Hole knives, Three hole knives, Prep, Button hole knives, Roofing blades, Curette,
wood carving and other special purpose blades.
  • Specialty Blades
    • Apart from the hi-tech manufacturing and testing processes, Rhino Industries employs the unique German Technology
  • of Ice-Hardening.
  • Rhino Industries lives upto its motto to become your one-stop solution for the Blades requirements.

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Specialty Blades