Product Search Results for Drill Stem Subs
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drill stem sub - drill sub

Drill stem subs are used to connect two different drilling string parts. Drill stem subs are classfied into 7 different types according to their function;Tensile properties and Impact properties are the same as requirement of drill collars as specified...

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drill stem subs(API) - drill stem subs(API)

Shenlong manufactures all the four types of subs e.g. straight OD type A or reduced section type B or swivel sub type C or lift sub type D as per API Spec 7.These would be with box and pin connections or with box or pin connection on both sides.Class of...

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Shenlong petroleum drilling tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, drill pipe, stabilizer, drill stem subs, kelly...


drill collar, heavy weight drill pipe, stabilizer, kelly - SLDRILLINGTOOLS

Our product range covers slick drill collar, spiral drill collar, heavy weight drill pipe, stabilizer, kelly, drill stem subs, non-magnetic (flex) drill collar and non-magnetic stabilizer. We can also provide stabilizer forging(4145H, 4145H MOD and...

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Henan Shenlong Petroleum Drilling Tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, heavy weight drill pipe, stabilizer, kelly, non-magnetic...


heavy weight drill pipe(API) - drill pipe(API)

Intergral heavy weight drill pipe:Our heavy weight drill pipes are manufactured from AISI 4145H modified steel.Our heavy weight drill pipe is integral,thus it is more durable than friction welded one.On enquiries and orders,please specify:Slick or...

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Shenlong petroleum drilling tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, drill pipe, stabilizer, drill stem subs, kelly...


drill collar(API) - drill collar(API)

Drill collar:Our drill collars are manufactured from 4145H modified steel.Drill collars are bored and drifted to API Spec7-1 and fully heated to meet or exceed the mechanical property requirements of API Spec7.Hardness range of 285-341HB and a charpy V...

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Shenlong petroleum drilling tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, drill pipe, stabilizer, drill stem subs, kelly...


stabilizer(API) - stabilizer(API)

Intergral blade stabilizer:Our integral blade stabilizers are manufactured from single bar of AISI 4145H modified steel.Professional forging process guarantee that mechanical properties meet API Spec 7-1.Hardness range of 285-341HB and a charpy v notch...

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Shenlong petroleum drilling tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, drill pipe, stabilizer, drill stem subs, kelly...


square,hexagonal kelly(API) - kelly(API)

We offer square and hexagonal Kellys.Kellys are available up to 14m long.Our Kellys are made from AISI 4145H modified alloy bars that are quenched and tempered full length.A hardness range of 285to 341 BHN and a minimum impact value of 54Joules as per...

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Shenlong petroleum drilling tools Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

drill collar, drill pipe, stabilizer, drill stem subs, kelly...


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