Product Search Results for Lifeboat Airbag
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Lifeboat Proof Load Testing Bgs - lifeboat water bag 1

Lifeboat test water bags are used for evenly distributed load tests. These test water bags come with fill/offload fittings and an automatic relief valve which is activated once the lifeboat bags achieves the desired weight. Lifeboat proof load testing...

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Ningbo GOLDSHINE Electronic Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

water weights, test bag, lifeboat airbag, load cell, crane scale...


Load Test Water Bags Uesd in Oilfield and Shipyard - Goldshine Waterbag 2

Load test water bags filled proof load bags are a unique and simple product specially designed to provide a test load instead of traditional solid weights. This highly engineered and certified system allows a safe practical and economical method for load...

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Ningbo GOLDSHINE Electronic Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

water weights, test bag, lifeboat airbag, load cell, crane scale...


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