Product Search Results for Machinery Equipment
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Sugar Plant Machinery & Equipments. - Sugar Plant

1) Sugar Plant Machinery & Equipments.2) Cement & Ready Mix Concrete Plant Machinery & Equipments.3) Textile/Cotton Mill/Weaving/Paper Mill Plant Machinery & Equipments.4) Distillery & Ethanol Plant Machinery & Equipments.5) Feed, Fertilizer, Tea & Rice...

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Phoenix Industries

Main Products:

Bulk/Powder Material Handling, Storage, Auto Weighing, Bagging, convey...


Chao Jinn Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

multipurpose semi - automatic pasting paper - box making machine. Optional equipment spray pasting gun paper grinder for grind U.V. surface paper box press machine...


Eumach Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

vertical machining centers, vertical milling machines, horizontal machining centers, horizontal milling machines, universal milling machines....


Milling Machines - Product

Point series KIHEUNG milling machines with HEIDENHAIN TNC 124 are fully adequate for a straight cut control for milling , drilling and tapping supported by a floating tap holer and even circular path with circle hole pattern up 999...

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Hsiung Chieh Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

horieontai boring machine, milling machine...


Vertical Turret Milling Machine - #2SG

NST#30 or R8 spindle taper 2HP motor, step pulley head hardened & ground 9" x 42" working table dovetail slide ways meehanite casting...

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Mighty - Max Machinery Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

milling machines...


Auto Wheel Tureing M/C, Auto Spoke and Nipple Positioning M/C, Auto Nipple Tightening M/C - HT-60-06, HT-60-07, HT-60-08

The most advanced and efficient systematic operation since the discovery of wheel. Which contains nipple tightening, nipple and spoke positioning, and trueing. Manpower involved is only for the loading and un-loading of end product. However, more than to...

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Shuz Tung Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

bicycle & parts manufacturing equipment...


Mini vertical milling Machine W/XYZ Axis Linear Scale - CH-10 MLS

This machine is small, no need to have too many space, spindle speed; 300 - 2900rpm precision, easy operate, very helpful for part's modification. This machine have equipped linear scale, can meet the requirement as...

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Chung Hsiwh Industrial Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

Metal cutting table lathe, metal vertical milling machine, compound type of table lathe/mini milling machine....


PC - Based Open Controller - Product

PC-Based open controller embeds the functionality of PLC and the power of PC in one box. It is not only suitable for control, but it is also a star performer in data...

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Mirle Automation Corporation

Main Products:

PC-based controller, Programmable logic controller, Injection molding machine controller, 1/2/3 axis servo driver....


Controller and Priver - Compumotor's product

If you have a motion control problem, turn to compumotor. We offer a comprehensive line - up of product technologies, plus wo provide the technical support to ensure timely, expect assistance in product selection, installation, programming, and trouble...

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Industrial Sensors - Product

The broad performance spectrum of the SENSICK sensors offers ideal solutions for the specific requirements of automation engineering. Though reliability and variety of functions, they ensure high availability of plant and...

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Sick - Optic Electronic Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

optic electronic...


Gauge Block - 12

Gauge block are fundamental standards for linear measurement. For adjusting, checking or inspecting measuring instruments and tools, and precision workpieces....

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Yuin Lai Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

sine plate with micropithch magnetic chuck, precision punch former, toolmaker vise, sine vise gauge block, ang - fixed milling vise...


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