Product Search Results for Spo2 Sensor And Adapter Cable
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CSI Long wire Adual - s0050

COMPATIBLE : CSI (Criticare Systems International):Scholar (Direct Connect) CSI (Criticare Systems International):Poet (602-3A) (Direct Connect) CSI (Criticare Systems International):1100 (Direct Connect)...

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shenzhen ascend medical co.,ltd

Main Products:

Spo2 sensor and adapter cable, Patient monitor ECG cable and leadwires...


spo2 sensors - sop2 sensors

Manufacturing and sale of high quality accessories for patient monitors. Main products include SpO2 sensors and adapting cables. Distribute multiparameter patient monitors and pulse oximeters....

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solaris Medical technolgoy ,INc

Main Products:

Manufacturing and sale of high quality accessories for patient monitor...


patient monitor - patient monitor

Handheld Pulse Oximeters (CE Marked)Vital Signs Monitors (CE Marked) Multiparameter Patient Monitors (CE Marked) SpO2 Sensors and adapting Cables (CE & FDA ) NIBP cuffs with bladder or without bladder (CE...

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Solaris-Newtech, Inc.

Main Products:

patient monitor, pulse oximeter, vital sign monitor, accessory...


JX-8000 patient monitor - patient monitor

JX-8000 patient monitorStandard configuration: ECG, HR, PR, SpO2, OxyCRG diagram, ST analysis, Arrhythmia analysis, RESP*2 (RA-LL impedance and nasal cavity), NIBP (with venous punch), TEMP*2(surface and rectal type), Drug dose calculation and lead-acid...

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Beijin jinxin technology Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

ventilator, anesthesia machine, patient monitor...


HP M1940A adapter cable - EX026

Philips Spo2 Adapter cable HP 12pin male to 8pin viridia female , L=2.5m OEM Part : M1940A Compatibility:Suitable for Philips Medical M2475B, M1732A/B, M1722A/B, M1020A, 78834A, 78833A/ C,78352A/C...

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