1. Design Criteria of Steel Tower1.1 Basic wind speed=144KMPH, Operational wind speed=100KMPH (3 second gust)1.2 Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 3_300m crest height1.3 Code: ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-G Latest1.4 Max Antenna Load at top 8m of the...
telecommunication tower, monopole, tubular tower, transmission tower...
telecommunicaiton towr used as tele-communication and other network...
latticed tower, tubular tower, wind turbine tower, steel tower...
1. Transmission Line Towers from 66KV to 220KV. 2. Switch Yard Structures from 66KV to 220 KV.3. Telecommunication Towers. 4. Wind Mill Towers from 40m to 75m.5. Cable Trays ( Perforated &...
Tianli is integrated manufacturer specialized in electric power line towers, substation structure, power plant-stand, telecommunications tower, microwave tower, lightning tower, traffic sign pole, and other steel structure products etc..And the large new...
electric power line towers, substation structure, power plant-stand...
1. Design Criteria of Steel Tower1.1 Basic wind speed:40m/s,42m/s and 45m/s (3 second gust)1.2 Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 11.3 Code: ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-G Latest1.4 Antenna load: light-duty2. Fabrication2.1 Prototype assembly of each new...
Qingdao Wuxiao Lattice tower can be made out of steel profiles that are put together to form a lattice. Our lattice tower is very strong and we manufacture them with complicated technology. The towers are formulated to house a variety of accessories...
Transmission Line Towers from 66KV to 220KV. 2. Switch Yard Structures from 66KV to 220 KV.3. Telecommunication Towers. 4. Wind Mill Towers from 40m to 75m.5. Cable Trays ( Perforated & Ladder...
Q ingdao Wuxiao Tubular tower can be made out of steel pipes that are put together to form a tower units. Our Tubular tower is very strong and we manufacture them with complicated technology. The towers are formulated to house a variety of accessories...
1. Design Criteria of Steel Tower1.1 Basic wind speed=144KMPH, Operational wind speed=110KMPH (3 second gust)1.2 Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 3_300m crest height1.3 Code: ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-G Latest1.4 Max Antenna Load at top 15m of the...
1. Design Criteria of Steel Tower1.1 Basic wind speed=144KMPH, Operational wind speed=100KMPH (3 second gust)1.2 Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 3_300m crest height1.3 Code: ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-G Latest1.4 Max Antenna Load at top 5m of the...
1. Design Criteria of Steel Tower1.1 Basic wind speed=80mph (3 second gust)1.2 Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 11.3 Code: ANSI/TIA/EIA-222-G Latest1.4 Antenna load: light-duty2. Fabrication2.1 Prototype assembly of each new tower type should...
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