Recommended Xpost - Meetingpost suppliers

CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd. Golden Supplier

CAYIN Technology offers a complete portfolio of network digital signage system including media players, servers, and software for various commercial applications, such as education, transportation, retail, hospitality, corporate use, and financial and

Main Products:

Digital Signage Solutions, Content Management Servers, XPost - MeetingPost, Digital Signage System, Hospitality, Digital...

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xPost - MeetingPost

MeetingPost is dedicated to the needs of meeting rooms and banquet halls that require flexible arrangement on the meeting schedule as well as frequent update on information post. Through the room booking system in meetingPost, administrators can arrange...

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CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

Digital Signage Solutions, Content Management Servers, XPost - MeetingPost, Digital Signage System, Hospitality...


xPost - WayfinderPost

WayfinderPost is the application software that CAYIN especially develops for public spaces where conveying announcements, promoting events, and direction guiding is frequent and crucial. It provides various templates for a variety of applications, such...

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CAYIN Technology Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

Digital Signage Solutions, Content Management Servers, XPost - MeetingPost, Digital Signage System, Hospitality...


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