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Solid Construction, Compact And Quiet Thermal Printers Designed For Heavy Duty Applications

Product ID: CP305, CP324, CP324-S

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APS offers a complete line of thermal printer mechanisms as well as full custom printing solutions.
No. # CP305 CP324 CP324-S
Print method Thermal line printing Thermal line printing Thermal line printing
Number of dots 576 576 576
Resolution (dots/mm) 8 dots/mm 8 dots/mm 8 dots/mm
Print width (mm) 72mm 72mm 80mm
Paper width (mm) 80mm 80mm 82.5mm
Max. paper thickness (mm) 150mm 80mm 150mm
Paper loading Automatic Automatic Automatic
Dot resistance (Ohms) 142 +/- 4% Ohms 1500 +/- 3% Ohms 800 +/- 3% Ohms
Voltage (logic/head) 5/5 5/24 5/24
Energy per dot (mJ) 0.31mJ 0.22mJ 0.17mJ
Average consumption (20%) 1.5A 1.0A 1.5A
Printing speed (mm/s) 50mm/s 60mm/s 120mm/s
Paper feed Front and bottom Front and bottom Front and bottom
Paper detection Optosensor Optosensor Optosensor
Head-up detection Switch Switch Switch
Temperature detection Thermistor 30K Thermistor 30K Thermistor 30K
Stepper motor (Ohms) Bipolar 13 Bipolar 150 Bipolar 13
Weight (g) 125g 125g 125g
Life / reliability 50kms / 100 million pulses 50kms / 100 million pulses 50kms / 100 million pulses
Operating temperature (Celsius) 0/50 Celsius 0/50 Celsius 0/50 Celsius
Operating humidity (%) 20-85% no condensing 20-85% no condensing 20-85% no condensing
Dimensions (W x D x L) mm 120 x 55 x 20mm 120 x 55 x 20mm 120 x 55 x 20mm
  • 82.5mm paper width available
  • Solid construction for heavy duty applications
  • High speed printing for gaming applications - up to 6ips
  • Low noise
  • TORSION BAR(tm) design for easy printhead maintenance and best quality graphics
  • Front and bottom paper loading
  • Available in 5 volt or 24 volt
  • Applications
    • Cash registers
    • Gaming
    • Portable printer
    • Ticketing
    • Kiosk
    • ATM machines
    • Medical equipment
  • Options: cutter

Main Products

thermal printer mechanism, controlling electronics, printer accessories