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Supplier’s Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why would I want to register for a Supplier’s Account?

Submit Products service offers a platform for suppliers to be noticed, and further to be connected, by prospective buyers all over the world. By registering as a supplier on you may create your own company and product pages and join the community of global trade.

2. How do I register as a supplier?

To register as a supplier please visit and click on the “Join Free Now” button. It will lead you to the registration page. Once there please follow the instructions and fill all the required fields. Please also refer to our DEMO if you need further instructions on how to register.

3. Why can’t I see my products online?

After you clicked the “Submit” button to submit your products, your data will go through an inspection process. This process may take up to 3 business days depending on the volume of requests we received.

If your products pass the inspection the system will send you an automatic email notifying you that your products are online. If your products did not pass the inspection the system will also send you an email asking you to enhance on your company/product information and re-submit again.

4. Why Can’t I find/ Click on the Submit Button?

The Submit button will not appear/ clickable if you do not have a valid picture for each of your products. Please upload a valid picture for EVERY product you upload and the Submit button will appear at the bottom of the page.

5. I received an email saying that my submission failed. Why?

Your submission may fail for several reasons. In most cases, your submission failed because of insufficient information. Please check if you filled all the required information properly.

6. How many products can I submit as a Free member?

As a free member you can upload up to 1 company page and 8 product pages. If you need more company/product pages please check our membership upgrade options.