The mold become chipped and worn through roughhandling or through normal use. The optional wear plate will prolong theservice life of a mold by protecting the mold openings with metal plates.Wear plates are available for the following mold types:WE,WT,WX,WP,GEE,GET,GST,&SVESFor other types please contact your authorized agent or the factory.To order the wear plateoption,Please add the suffi x"G" to the end of the mold part number.Example:WT-100/100-G.
Main Products
Exothermic Welding,Electrical connections,Rail Bonding,Grounding/Earthing Equipment,Protection Systems Consultation,Testing and Design,Technical Support,On site installation
Contact Detail
Sales ContactDr. Chien
AddressNo.2-2, Yunhe St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10646, Taiwan (R.O.C.)