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Crystal Units

Product ID: UM-5

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Frequency (MHz) Resistance (ohm) Mode Frequency (MHz) Resistance (ohm) Mode
10.240000 60 Fund 10.245000 60 Fund
10.697500 60 Fund 12.000000 60 Fund
12.800000 60 Fund 14.745600 60 Fund
15.556670 60 Fund 16.623330 60 Fund
17.734475 30 Fund 20.945000 30 Fund
27.000000 30 Fund 30.875000 80 3'rd
44.545000 80 3'rd 45.455000 80 3'rd
61.625000 60 3'rd 63.125000 60 3'rd
73.187500 60 3'rd 73.400000 60 3'rd
76.120000 60 3'rd 80.000000 60 3'rd
90.625000 60 3'rd N/A N/A N/A
  • Frequency tolerance at 25 Celsius: +/-0.003%
  • Frequency stability over -10 Celsius~+60 Celsius: +/-0.005%
  • Shunt capacitance value Co: 6.0pF max.
  • Maximum and normal drive level: 500uw.max50uw typ.
  • Aging (max): +/-0.0003%/year
  • Load capacitance CL: 15pF~50pF or series
  • UM-5 type at cut crystals
  • In addition to the STD ITC UM-5 crystals, various custom-designed units are available to meet your requirements.

Main Products

crystal unit, oscillator, crystal filter