Iron Cast Roulette Wheel and 8 Player Console.

Iron Cast Roulette Wheel and 8 Player Console.
Mechanical roulette wheel integrated with computer betting system to ensure fair game play and accurate calculation. With various wheels to choose from, American, European, Chinese, and Taiwanese. Each table can be custom made and pre-set to meet your needs.
- Height 100 Width 200 Length 200cm
- Supply Voltage: 110~220 V AC, 20~10A
- User Interface:
- Touch screen
- Press Panel & LCD Screen
- With removable player modules, suitable for 1~8 players setup.
- Swift and efficient game play, average game time 60~90 sec.
- Operates 24 hours non-stop for maximum turnover revenue.
- Made with solid cast iron, impossible to break!
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