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Capillary Thermostats & Thermometers

Product ID: P01

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All thermometers are filled with harmless colorless liquid. Operating Temperature ranges are -40 Celsius ~ +40 Celsius, 0 Celsius ~ 120 Celsius, 50 Celsius ~ 320 Celsius Lengths of capillary tube are 500mm, 1m, other types with temperature ranges, capillary length and case color are available on special order. Personalized dial available on request.
  • Crystal, Acrylic, Resin
  • ISO 9001 certified
  • UL Approved
  • High accuracy +/- 3% err
  • Application:
    • Freezers & refrigerators
    • Electric heater, vending machine
    • Electric oven.
Model Temp. Range Differential Probe Length Terminal Capillary / Length Capillary / Material
TS-030S -30 Celsius ~ 30 Celsius 4 +/- 2 Celsius 126L 5.8dia. S.P.D.T, S.P.S.T 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-050S 0 Celsius ~ 50 Celsius 4 +/-2 Celsius 125L 5.5Shy S.P.D.T, S.P.S.T 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-080S 0 Celsius ~ 80 Celsius 4 +/-2 Celsius 115L 5.5Shy S.P.D.T, S.P.S.T 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-090S 0 Celsius ~ 90 Celsius 4 +/-2 Celsius 117L 5.8Shy S.P.D.T., S.P.S.T. 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-120S 0 Celsius ~ 120 Celsius 4 +/-2 Celsius 105L 5Shy Elec. rating 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-200S 0 Celsius ~ 200 Celsius 10 +/-5 Celsius 64.5L 5Shy Elec. rating 1,000mm SUS CU
TS-320S 50 Celsius ~ 320 Celsius 10 +/-5 Celsius 165L 3Shy, 65L 5Shy 16(2)A 250/380v 1,000mm SUS CU

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