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ANLI Antenna Co., Ltd.
ANLI was established by Mr. Teng Hui Chen in March of 1969. Since 1969, ANLI offers TV, radio, and RF communication products to the international market. We also provide a full line of cellular phone antennas and accessories. We are dedicated to the best service, finest quality and advanced technology for our customers. Besides, our R & D division will meet requirements
of OEM or a customer's special specifications. To offer the best service for ANLI's customers, the ISO-9001 approval is in process. Thank you again for your interest in ANLI products. We look forward to serving you and your purchasing needs.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
  • Established in
  • Capital
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • ODM manufacturer
    • OEM manufacturer
    • Exporter/Agent
  • Markets
      Northern America / Southern America/Caribbean / Western Europe / Eastern Europe/Russia / Mid-East/Africa / Asia / Australia/New Zealand