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High frequency and constant voltage mobile X-ray Unit

Product ID: HS-XY-450

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This product series can be installed in laboratory, produce workshop, and production line, inspect for metal and non-metal material and real-time detection by computer. widely apply to mechanical, shipbuilding, chemical industry, high pressure vessel, aviation/spaceflight, and scientific research department. Etc. the X-ray unit has more advantages of perfect protection system, automatization, easily for operattion, and maintenance convenient that gained favor from our customers.
Voltage Range:20-160
Step Length:0.1
Absolut Precision:±1%
Repeat accuracy:±0.05%
High Voltage Ripple:5v/mA
High Voltage Frequency:40
Current Adjustment:2.0/19
Step Length:0.01
Absolute Precision:±0.5%
Repeat accuracy:±0.01%
Focus Size IEC336:d=4.0/d=1.0
Radial Angle:40°
High Voltage Cable:R24/R24/5m
Max.Pentrable A3 steel(mm):33
Input Power:380AC±10%
Working Model:Continuous

Lead intensifying screen:0.02mm

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x ray inspect, x ray equipment, x ray detector, x ray, x ray machine