1) CNC machines: Machining centers and milling machines for 2-5 axes' metals and non-metals processing with and without toolchanger. Equipped with multi-head technology, our CNC machines can be used for high-volume light products productions, say, optical, watches and jewelry. Besides, we have different types of CNC controller combined with different types of technology, pneumatic and robotics, not only for low-cost but high-volume parts production, but for high-demanding of high speed and precision molds and parts manufacturing too.
We have standard CNC machines for your instantly requirements. If our existing CNC machines cannot meet your requirements, we can custom design and build yours as well. No minimum orders required; we can even one unit of custom designed machine can be accepted.
2) laser machines & automation: Our engineers are full of experience of laser cut, drill, weld, and engrave and can custom design unique laser equipment for your special requirements. For example, our current PE-1250 equipped with 100W CO2 laser power ballscrew-driving laser cutter can cut metals and non-metals