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B&S Group (Asia) Ltd
B&S Group is found with the mission to produce quality healthy products on the market for the health and wellness conscious people of today.
We produce and distribute ready to use food and ingredients, our philosophy is that all our product can be used by everybody but do something extra to to the body who are life an active life with the positive attitude of life.
We have been pioneering in introducing orgnaic food and drinks, the products now in our green basket are Aloe Vera Drinks, mangosteen juice, carrot juices, tomato juices, Ice Green Tea, Green Tea, Jasmine Green Tea, Apple Green Tea, Oolong Tea etc.
Attitude is everything, we care your health, do you?

Company Profile

  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • Distributor
  • Markets
      North America / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / Australia / New Zealand