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Gene Synthesis, Sequencing, Oligo Synthesis, SiRNA,etc.

Product ID: RG

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Generally, we provide the following products and services:
1) Services:
a. Gene synthesis, our price can be as low as $ 0.8/base pair;
b. Peptide synthesis, we can give you the most competitive prices;
c. Antibody preparation;
d. Others including SiRNA, oligo synthesis, sequencing, Mol Biol projects, etc.;
2) Reagents, including Pfu enzyme, Hotstart Taq polymerase, dNTP, etc.
3) Labwares, including vials (100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml), equipments, etc.

Main Products

Gene synthesis,Peptide synthesis,Antibody preparation,Pfu enzyme,etc.