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Censko Power Supplies Co., Ltd.
CENSKO is a most fast growing power supply devices manufacturer and exporter in China. Established in 1997, it gained ISO-9001 certification in 2005. Now 27,000m2 new office and factory site is being planned to start up on basis of averaged 30.2% sales increasing annually, esp. reciprocated from the global market of UK, Russia, Georgia, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, UAE, Malaysia, Vietnam etc.

At the beginning we manufacture electric system power supplies such as voltage stabilizers/regulators, smps etc. Since 2005 we focus on new energy researching and manufacturing, solar power systems and the components now are enjoying a great success in the global market!

You're very welcome to visit our website for more details!

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    4-8#, Xingfu Ave., Xinglong
  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • ODM Manufacturer
  • Markets
      South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Australia / New Zealand