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power saver for air conditioner-----new investment opportunity in financial crisis

Product ID: OST-PS-S

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OST-PS control software by optimizing microprocessor, make compressor to off line at the proper time, greatly utilize cool/heat/energy of Air blower serpentined and air passage by system fan. as we all know, when compressor begin to run, wind come from air conditioner, then temperature down quickly, finally, reach to a balance situation, work efficiency will descend with inspiration temprature down, at this time, if keep the compressor working, air conditioner ,the wind coming from air conditioner won`t down or down this time, OST-PS series products will stop compressor, and keep circulating fan running, the refrigerants in system continue to expand in evaporator, provide addtional cool storage, some time later, the cool storage from compressor is blowed out totally, wind from air condtioner begin to rising.

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save energy technology
OST-PS core technology is its unique software design, it can adjust compressor run section automatically with the change of load, the software technology is called proportion differential coefficient adjustion technology. in order to ensure the best running time, ensure compressor remove essential quantity of heat in the process of running. OST-PS also run a software program called "standard compressor running curve. during OST-PS chip design, by combining SPC software and PDA technology skilly, OST-PS can ensure compressor run according to optimum run-curve under any heat load situation.

Application range: applied in civilian, commercial, industrial etc all kind of air conditioner.
.best quality