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Indicia is one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers
of martial arts equipment in Taiwan and is now
internationally recognized. Indicia success has come about
by understanding customer’s needs, listening to comments
and suggestions, and providing quality goods at competitive
We offer a comprehensive product range to suit all of our
customer’s requirements. All Indicia products will give you
peak performance. With a distinguished reputation in
martial arts, Indicia is synonymous with outstanding
quality and service.
Why not become part of our force by putting us on test, and
buy with confidence knowing that we carry more stock than
any other manufacturers. We are always moving forward by
improving our products quality and design, while at the
same time ensuring that we maintain the lowest prices.
Our whole team here at Indicia is very dedicated to give
you all the services that you expect from an international
manufacturer. We offer:
. Quality goods at competitive prices
. Excellent service and fast shipment
. Manufacturers Guarantee
. Updates on new products
We invite all interested parties to put us on the test and
see for themselves how much we can be part of the
organization. Lastly I would like to take this chance to
wish all our new and old customers the best in business

Company Profile

  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • ODM Manufacturer
    • Exporter/Agent
  • Markets
      North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / Australia / New Zealand