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DPL Therapy System

Product ID: BNDL-5-Gray/Black

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Amazing FDA Cleared DPL Therapy System for temporary pain relief and anti-aging. Based on NASA's research for wound healing, the DPL Therapy System from LED Technologies, LLC is a high intensity, portable LED (light emitting diode) unit, intended for the treatment of pain by emitting energy in the near-infrared (IR) spectrum. It is intended for the relaxation of muscles and relief of muscle spasms; temporary relief of minor muscle and joint aches, pains and stiffness; temporary relief of minor pain and stiffness associated with arthritis; and to temporarily increase local blood circulation. The DPL Therapy System is also effective for anti-aging. It is effective for the reduction of wrinkles and is extremely useful for clients to use in-between visits to their spa and skin specialists.

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- All natural
- Non-invasive
- Non-ablative
- Auto-off function for safety
- Produces 4 Joules/cm2 in 9 minutes
- Velcro straps for hands free operation
- Two removable LED Panels
- 154 - 880nm Infrared LEDS
- 20 - 660nm Red LEDS
- 9' x 14' (126 sq inch) treatment area
- Safe and effective for all pain and anti-aging problems
- Engineered to last for years
- 1-year warranty on all parts and plastics

- Inflammation
- Spasms & knots
- Leg pain
- Arthritis
- Tight Muscles
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces crow's-feet
- Heals blemishes
- Improves skin tone
- Regeneration/stimulation of collagen
- Helps sun-damaged skin

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DPL Therapy System