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luminous sign

luminous sign

luminescent sign

Product ID: Lminous sign

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Luminous signs and pathway markers glow clearly in total darkness and illuminate the evacuation route when the egress pathway is darkened or obscured. System components activate and glow automatically when the lights go out and function free of any human, mechanical or electrical intervention even if all electric and battery power sources fail.

Our material and products are manufactured with unique high-impact rigid acrylic and aluminium board material. We features densely concentrated safety-grade strontium oxide aluminate pigment embedded within and evenly dispersed throughout hard, nonporous 1/8 inch-thick acrylic sheets or 0.8-1mm aluminum board. Our Luminous aluminum signs and markers are flame-retardant, water-, corrosion- and impact-resistant. High-luminance strontium oxide aluminate pigment is applied directly to aluminum sheets using a proprietary heat-transfer process. All of our products generate a bright, enduring afterglow visible for 8 or more hours and fully recharge in an hour or less when light is restored.
  • PAPA
  • ul924

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photoluminescent pigment