SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Acetamiprid 20%sp Quick
2. Acephate 75%SP Dhanace
3. Acephate 25%Fenvalerate 3%EC Armour
4. Alphamethrin 10%EC Shooter
5. Carbofuran 3%CG Dhan-Furan
6. Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP Dhantap-50
7. Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR Dhantap -4 GR
8. Chlorpyriphos 20%EC Commando-20
9. Chlorpyriphos 50%EC Commando-50
10. Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC Commando-C-505
11. Cypermethrin 10%EC Dhanrin-10
12. Cypermethrin 25%EC Dhanrin-25
13. Dichlorvos 76%EC Dhanvan
14. Dimethoate 30%EC Dhangor
15. Endosulfan 35% EC Dhansulfan
16. Ethion 50% EC Nomite
17. Fenvalerate 20%EC Dhanfen
18. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL Dhan-Conidor 444
19. Imidacloprid 70%WS Dhan conidor 70
20. Indoxacarb 14.5%SC Remand
21. Lambda cyhalothrin 25% & 5% EC Safaya
22. Lambda cyhalothrin 10% wp Vaar
23. Methyl Parathion 50% EC ,2%DP Folicol
24. Monocrotophos 36% SC Dhanphos
25. Phorate 10%CG Dhantox-10
26. Phosphamidon 40% SL Dhandon
27. Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%EC Prokill-C-44
28. Profenofos 50% EC Prokill-50
29. Quinalphos 25% EC Dhanlux
30. Spinisad 45%SC Demand
31. Thiamethoxam 25%WG Dhantara
32. Trizaphos 40%EC Protection
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP Finish
2. Carbendazim 50%WP & 5%GR Dhanstin
3. Copper Oxychloride 50%WP Dhan Copper
4. Hexaconazole 5%EC Sweep
5. Mancozeb 75% WP Dhan-M-45
6. Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP Metastar 72
7. Metalaxyl 35%WS Metastar
8. Sulphur 80% WP,80%WDG,85%DP Dhansulphur
9. Tricyclazole 75%WP Suraksha
10. Ziram 27%SC Zoom
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Atrazine 50% WP Atradhan
2. Butachlor 50%EC Dhanchlor
3. 2,4-Sodium Salt 80%WP Dhan-Sodium
4. Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 10%EC Raven
5. Glyphosate 41%SL Stand-up
6. Isoproturon 75% WP Dhanlon
7. Metsulfuron-methyl 20% wp Move
8. Metribuzin 70% WP Dhan-Metri
9. Paraquate Dichloride 24%SL Aroxone
10. Pendimelathion 30%sc Down
11. Piroxofop-propinyl 15% wp The end
12. Pretilachlor 30% EC Proud
13. Sulfosulfuron 75%WG Cutter
Plant growth regulator:
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Alpha-napthyl acetic acid .5% SL Dhan-bloom
2. Ethephon 39%SL Thrill
3. Gibberellic Acid (T) Dhan-Gibb
4. Triacontanol Ec,Gr(0.05% min) Ujawal
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Acetamiprid 20%sp Quick
2. Acephate 75%SP Dhanace
3. Acephate 25%Fenvalerate 3%EC Armour
4. Alphamethrin 10%EC Shooter
5. Carbofuran 3%CG Dhan-Furan
6. Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP Dhantap-50
7. Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR Dhantap -4 GR
8. Chlorpyriphos 20%EC Commando-20
9. Chlorpyriphos 50%EC Commando-50
10. Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC Commando-C-505
11. Cypermethrin 10%EC Dhanrin-10
12. Cypermethrin 25%EC Dhanrin-25
13. Dichlorvos 76%EC Dhanvan
14. Dimethoate 30%EC Dhangor
15. Endosulfan 35% EC Dhansulfan
16. Ethion 50% EC Nomite
17. Fenvalerate 20%EC Dhanfen
18. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL Dhan-Conidor 444
19. Imidacloprid 70%WS Dhan conidor 70
20. Indoxacarb 14.5%SC Remand
21. Lambda cyhalothrin 25% & 5% EC Safaya
22. Lambda cyhalothrin 10% wp Vaar
23. Methyl Parathion 50% EC ,2%DP Folicol
24. Monocrotophos 36% SC Dhanphos
25. Phorate 10%CG Dhantox-10
26. Phosphamidon 40% SL Dhandon
27. Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%EC Prokill-C-44
28. Profenofos 50% EC Prokill-50
29. Quinalphos 25% EC Dhanlux
30. Spinisad 45%SC Demand
31. Thiamethoxam 25%WG Dhantara
32. Trizaphos 40%EC Protection
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP Finish
2. Carbendazim 50%WP & 5%GR Dhanstin
3. Copper Oxychloride 50%WP Dhan Copper
4. Hexaconazole 5%EC Sweep
5. Mancozeb 75% WP Dhan-M-45
6. Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP Metastar 72
7. Metalaxyl 35%WS Metastar
8. Sulphur 80% WP,80%WDG,85%DP Dhansulphur
9. Tricyclazole 75%WP Suraksha
10. Ziram 27%SC Zoom
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Atrazine 50% WP Atradhan
2. Butachlor 50%EC Dhanchlor
3. 2,4-Sodium Salt 80%WP Dhan-Sodium
4. Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 10%EC Raven
5. Glyphosate 41%SL Stand-up
6. Isoproturon 75% WP Dhanlon
7. Metsulfuron-methyl 20% wp Move
8. Metribuzin 70% WP Dhan-Metri
9. Paraquate Dichloride 24%SL Aroxone
10. Pendimelathion 30%sc Down
11. Piroxofop-propinyl 15% wp The end
12. Pretilachlor 30% EC Proud
13. Sulfosulfuron 75%WG Cutter
Plant growth regulator:
SR. NO. Technical name of product Brand name of product
1. Alpha-napthyl acetic acid .5% SL Dhan-bloom
2. Ethephon 39%SL Thrill
3. Gibberellic Acid (T) Dhan-Gibb
4. Triacontanol Ec,Gr(0.05% min) Ujawal
Main Products
agrochemicals pesticides,insecticides,weedicides,fungicides.