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Adult Milk Powder

Product ID: Adult Milk Powder

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- Moisture-2 to 4 %
- Fat -26 to 28 %
- Protein -25 to 27%
- Lactose -35 to 37 %
- Minerals - 5.7 to 7 %
- Lecithin -up to 5grams per kilogram (maximum)
- Acidity - up to 0.17 % As lactic acid (maximum)
- Add Vitamin A at between 5, 000 to 10, 000 I. U per 100 grams
- Add Vitamin D at between 500 to 1, 000 I. U per 100 grams

- Radiation concentrate residue within the limit of 240 to 280 BQ per Kilogram
- Add one of the standard allowed stabilizers used in food production, but at a level not more than
5 grams per Kilogram (maximum), individually or as a mixture
- Product must be free from pathogenic bacteria and their poisons. Including the absence of BSE
As evidenced by the phyto-sanitary/veterinary certificates accompany cargo
- Total coliform not to exceed 100 cells per gram
- TPC not to exceed 50, 000 cells per gram
- Product must be free from antibiotics
- Aflatoxin not to exceed the international limit
.Adult Milk Powder

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