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Sulzer ZAV40S Diesel Engines

Sulzer ZAV40S Diesel Engines

225 MW HFO Power Plant with 21 Sulzer ZAV40S Diesel Engines

Product ID: 225 MW PowerPlant

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225 MW HFO Power Plant with 21 Sulzer ZAV40S Diesel Engines

•Call for price (negotiable)
•Hours: 40,000 approx
•Location: Luzon, Philippines
•Fuel: Diesel Bunker "C" Fuel
•With original spare parts

The plant, with an initial contracted capacity of 215 MW which was increased to 225 MW beginning January 1997, generates power using twenty-one (21) Sulzer ZAV40S diesel engines with Alstom Generators operating synchronously. The diesel engines were manufactured and supplied by New Sulzer Diesel of France.

Each unit burns Bunker "C" fuel, operates at an engine speed of 514 RPM and generates a gross output of 11.5 MW. It is fully operational.

This plant is for immediate sale.

With ISO 14001:2004 Certification from Certification International.

Contact us for more information.
  • ISO 14001:2004

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