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Anti-mildew neutral silicone sealant

Product ID: Neutral sealant

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Anti-mildew Sealant Features:
One-component, medium-modulus, neutral, room temperature cure.
Superior mildew-proofing, good fro kitchen and sanitary in conditions of dark humidity.
Better contract-change and ease extruding, excellent adhesion to most building materials.
Outstanding weatherproofing ability, Excellent tensile and compression restoring ability.
Neutral cure, no corrosive to stone, ceramics, concrete, metal and glazing glass.
Anti-mildew Sealant Purpose:

Fix up and seal all kinds of kitchen utensil and sanitary equipment with weatherproofing and anti-mildew abilities.
Joint sealing for glass, aluminum plate and marble curtain-wall.
Fixing up all kinds of door and windows.
  • Anti-mildew Sealant Limitation:
    • Don't use as structure glue.
  • Don't use in areas where no moisture has.
  • Don't use in places where have permeated grease, plasticizer or solvent such as wood permeated oil, uncured or half-cured resins.
  • Anti-mildew sealant features
    • One-component, medium-modulus, neutral, room temperature cure.
  • Superior mildew-proofing, good fro kitchen and sanitary in conditions of dark humidity.
  • Better contract-change and ease extruding, excellent adhesion to most building materials.
  • Outstanding weatherproofing ability, Excellent tensile and compression restoring ability.
  • Neutral cure, no corrosive to stone, ceramics, concrete, metal and glazing glass.

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