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P.D. International
We would like to introduce ourselves as standard manufacturer of silk fabrics in India. We are in to this profession since 1989. We produce following types of silk fabric in order to fulfill any requirement of customer across the globe.

In Furnishing line.

1) Indian dupion silk fabrics.

2) Chinese dupion silk fabrics.

3) Mulberry silk fabrics (Taffeta silk fabrics).

4) Satin silk fabrics.

5) Organza, T.G.N., Plain silk, Chiffon & Jacquard.

In Fashion Line.

1) Organza,T.G.N, Satin silk fabrics.

2) Crape, Chiffon, Georgette, Tabby, etc.

3) Lurex Dupion.

4) Silk Velvet.

Apart from above, We also manufacture made ups like cushion covers, bedspreads, curtains, etc. We make hand, computer and machine embroidery on the fabric. “Quality in Time” is what we assure to our customers.

For more information visit our website

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    bangalore, India
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • ODM Manufacturer
    • Wholesaler
  • Markets
      North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong