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Digital Signage Software for Server and Management, support content management, log report

Product ID: DSM70

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Player Setting: To make player configuration files which are used to configure players through USB flash disk.
Player Management: To manage, monitor the remote players.
File Management: To manage the content stored on remote players.

Movie: Movie upload, delete, preview.
Image: Image upload, delete, and preview, it includes static image and Web page snapshot.
Message: Message upload, delete, and preview, includes input-Text and RSS feeds.
Audit: To audit all the content.

Layout Design: To design a layout or to choose a layout templete.
Playlist: Playlist management, Playlist creation, and deletion.
Sync: Content synchronization settings, to synchronize the video with image and message.
Scheduling: To schedule the playlist.

New Campaign: To make a new campaign.
Express Campaign: To make an express campaign.
Emergency Campaign: To make an emergency campaign.
Transfer Progress: To view the content transfer progress.
Clear temp files: To clear temp files.

Playcount Report: To view the play count of all the content.
Playback Query: To query the playback information by using single or multiple conditions.
Campaign Report: To view the campaign report.

Modify Password: To change the password of the current user.
User Management: To manage the users on current company account. (Option)
Group Authorizing: Assign rights to different player groups. (Option)

Sub-server: Sub server management. To add, remove and monitor sub servers. (Option)
Backup: To back up server data.
Company Management: To mange multiple companies on current server. (Option)
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