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Huangshan Mao Feng Tea- special grade

Product ID: HMF03

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Huangshan Mao Feng Tea, one of China's famous green teas, is noted for its long- lasting floral aroma and fresh, sweet taste. Grown at an elevation of over 800 meters, the Huangshan Mao Feng is handpicked before Gu Yu (Grain Rain, April.20) with the picking standard of only a bud and a single unfolding leaf. The dried tealeaves are yellowish green with a slight upturn, and covered with silvery hair.

Huangshan Mao Feng tea is traditionally listed among chinese top ten famous teas. In local, there is a saying: the first cup is most fragrant, the second sweetest and the third, strongest.

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tea, tea powder, green tea, black tea, organic tea