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Sidex Mobile Secretary ( Handheld Digital Recorder )

Product ID: SIDEX-112

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It includes all the traditional tape recorder functions and even more. Users can store S-mind card indefinitely and use them repeatedly. It will not be affected by magnets, X-rays, heat cold and dropping by accident. Users can down load voice messages from S-mind card directly onto a computer hard drive thru S-mind link and send compressed files thru the global Internet to anybody worldwide. The user's thoughts can easily be stored, copied, played back and edited. You can send the voice messages over an existing networks (modem, E-mail or Internet) to those who have Sidex and communicate each other back and forth. It saves lots of time and money.
  • Using DSP and flash memory technology to store voice messages and transfer them quickly through World Wide Web.
  • With re-writhing ability of over one million times.
  • Keep storing your messages over ten years.
  • C.E., FCC approved, ISO 9002 certificate factory
Item Description Recording Time Maximum Recording Times
Sidex56 Sidex + S-mind56 N/A N/A
Sidex112 Sidex + S-mind112 N/A N/A
S-mind14 4M bits flash memory 14 minutes 120 sections
S-mind28 8M bits flash memory 28 minutes 240 sections
S-mind56 16M bits flash memory 56 minutes 500 sections
S-mind112 32M bits flash memory 112 minutes 1,000 sections

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Sidex mobile secretary handheld recorder Sidex family pocket voice supporting system