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Cartridge Filter Type Dust Collector

Product ID: TWPC

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  • Use cartridge filter with large filtration area.
  • 99% filtration of the tiniest dust particles can be achieved.
  • A high-pressure air jet is used to force dust particles down and to reduce wind flow to ensure maximum dust collection.
  • Easy installation and replacement.
  • Convenient maintenance access.
  • Remarks: Above is our standard specification of cartridge filter dust collector. If special appliances and specifications are required, please contact our sales department.
Specification L (m/m) W (m/m) H (m/m)
TWPC-22 800 800 2900
TWPC-50 1100 1100 3000
TWPC-110 1800 1500 3800
TWPC-220 2900 1800 3200

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bag type dust collecting recovery, central dust collecting equipment, quantitative burning system, various type of filters, electrostatic precipitator, scrubber, deodorizer, steam & waste gas treatment, flow & dry type spray painting machine, ventilating equipment.