This big-test-area, manual type PCB tester is designed specially for multiple panels boards or big size boards test. Due to the wide test area, the press control becomes a critical factor. A digital-press-control system is added to this high test capacity tester to precisely control the press in order to protect board, fixture(jig), and probes.
- Max. test points: 16384
- Test voltage: 250V DC
- Continuity: 10Ω
- Isolation: 20MΩ
- Test area: 750 x 650mm
- Four touch-down guide shafts plus 2 hanging type shafts well control the direction of press plate to be more stable.
- Special design of press plate stabilization ring can protect cylinder.
- Automatic test voltage monitoring system is able to self-detect to ensure the test reliability.
- Supports "test program down-load" plus "golden board learning".
- All HVⅢ's features are included in UT5600HV.
Main Products
PCB testers, cable / connector tester