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Sirtec International Co., Ltd.
Throughout the 30 years of its existence, Sirtec International Co., Ltd. has always held to the principles of "research and development for technological innovation", as it sought to grow while ensuring stability. Company director Mr. Chen Chi-Fa is a strong believer in the dictum "humanity is the foundation, the customer comes first" as the basis of successful business enterprise. He believes that in striving for quality, innovation and service, it is important to meet customers' demands; and only through constant innovation can the company offer the best product. As to business organization, he believes in liberal management based on trust and sincerity a policy which has earned the affirmation of both staff and customers, and has established a firm foundation for Sirtec International's business. Sirtec International was founded in 1968. This was a time when Taiwan was still poor in resources, but Sirtec International built up its business comradely and steadily, building its first factory in Sanchung for the manufacture of products made by plastic injection.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Taiwan, China
  • Established in
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • Manufacturer
  • Markets
      Northern America / Southern America/Caribbean / Western Europe / Eastern Europe/Russia / Asia