- Ranges airflow: 80~4900ft/min & 0.4~30m/set
- Resolution 1 & 0.01
- Accuracy : +/-2% & +/-2%
- Temperature: -10 to 50 & +14 to 122
- Resolution:0.1 & 0.1
- Accuracy: +/-0.6 Celsius & +/-1.0 Fahrenheit
- Battery type: 9 Volt
- Battery life: 100 hours (under normal usage)
- Display type: LCD
- Display size: 37mm x 42mm (1 1/4" x 1 5/8")
- Max reading: 9999
- Dimensions: 181mm x 71mm x 38mm (7 1/8"L x 2 3/4"W x 1 3/8"D)
- Diameter of fan: 70mm (2 7/8")
- Rs232 output: Format: TXXX.XF, VXXXXFTM & TXXX.XC, VXXXXMPS
- Cfm and cms read-out
- Auto power off: 20 minutes
- Data Hold
- Air flow read-out
- Simultaneous display air velocity and temperature
- Measuring average air velocity for multi-points
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