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Access Control Terminal

Access Control Terminal

RAC-900 Access Control Terminal

Product ID: RAC-900

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Stand alone or on-line with PC , It is capable to connect up to 255 sets through RS-485.
4096 records and badges storage capacity.
8 time zones and 60 sets of specific time to monitor access.
Additional visitor and patrol guard card could be produced.
Duress code/card function to enhance personnel safety.
Capability to connect to external modem and auto dial machine for reporting to head office in case of any emergency.
Provides master card for programming and middle level master card to enable / disable security function.
LCD displays English name (2048 badges mode).
Could set special code to activate and release siren.
Anti-passback functions to control access for both in and out.
Open door by swiping card , pin code or both.
Tamper alarm for anti-casing open to enhance system security.
System will warm when memory buffer is 90% full.
Programmable maximum swipe card failure.
5 Sensor inputs and 2 relay outputs for security accessories.
Changeable pin code directly from controller ( only in Windows application software ).
Built-in RTC.

Main Products

Access Control, Time Attendance, bar code and magnetic stripe auto ID system,Biometrics ID System,Proximity Reader,Power Supply