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Superior Edge CBN Grinding Wheels

Product ID: WOOD MIZER 5" 4/32

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CBN or Cubic Boron Nitride grinding wheels are electroplated and nickel coated. Electroplating offers many advantages over other applications. It creates a more aggressive bond over other applications and will hold a form longer. It also performs a higher stock removal rate and will last for years. They are designed for sharpening wood band saw only and should not be used for other applications. if u are in need of woodmizer 10/30, we can send to u immediately now.

These wheels are designed for wood band saw sharpeneing grinding machine

perfect for sharpening wood band saw

provides a superior edge compared to the traditional SIC or AL2O3 grinding wheels

These wheels have been make balanced in our factory

During the working experiences, our CBN grinding wheels does not require "truing"

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