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boocora squeaky shoes

boocora squeaky shoes

Squeaky shoes toddler shoe latest design leather shoes

Product ID: BOOCORA Squeak shoes

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Beijing Sagacity Excellence International Trade Co., Ltd is a professional supplier of soft sole baby shoe, squeaky shoes, toddler shoes, sandals, boots for kids from 0-6 years old in China. Our products are in strict accordance with United States and Europe standard to produce. Our factory focus on the field of baby shoes producing, trading and OEM service. Based on many years of production experience we created BOOCORA brand.

Based on our selling data BOOCORA s squeaky shoes is hot sell in American market. Since the size and quality and the price is reasonable for most of customers. All our shoes will be stock selling so the shipment day will be another good condition for you to consider cooperating with us.

Main Products

babyshoes, Squeaky shoes , toddler shoes, soft sole baby shoes