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Gate Opener Relay Output Remote Conrtrol Access.jpg

Gate Opener Relay Output Remote Conrtrol Access.jpg

Gate Opener Relay Output Remote Conrtrol Access

Product ID: RTU5020

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Name: 3G Gate Opener
Model: RTU5025C/ RTU5025W
Authorized 999users open gate at the specified time!
GSM Gate, Barrier, Shutter, Garage Door and Door opener
Open gate or garage door with a FREE call from your mobile phone!
Remote switching machines ON/OFF with a FREE call from your mobile phone!
Remote monitoring the Gate, Barrier, Shutter, Garage Door OPEN/Close Status!
Remote checking the Gate, door open historical data with timestamp over GPRS/UMTS network!
The 3G Gate Opener RTU5025 is an upgraded version of RTU5015, it is a very simple device which can be used for authorized door access, controlling gates, switching of remote equipments, car parking systems. Actually the 3G Gate Opener RTU5025 can be used in places which require to turn ON/OFF your system, machines, equipments remotely with a FREE call from your mobile phone.
Just dial from Authorized User number at the specified time then the Barrier and doors are opened, or the machine are turn on or off by the 3G Gate O

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