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vacuum oil purifier

vacuum oil purifier

waste vacuum cooking oil purifier machine

Product ID: ZYC

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ZYC vacuum cooking oil purifier can be used for food service industry. It is a good purification machine for Fry food factory, oil restaurant, cooking oil factory, vegetable oil factory, and waste oil collecting store. You can choose the stainless steel machine body for food oil purifying. The cooking oil includes: dirty vegetable oil, trench oil, swill oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil and animal oil etc. for the coconut oil, we advise you can choose the ZYC-I machine.
ZYC vacuum cooking oil purifier can be used for biodiesel industrial. It is a good oil filtration machine for purifying the waste oils, then preparing for making biodiesel. You can choose the carbon steel machine body.

ZYC cooking oil purifier is as the oil filtration machine for purifying cooking oil, dirty vegetable oil, trench oil, swill oil and animal oil etc.. The vacuum cooking oil purifier can removes particles, odor, water, acid and alcohol etc from waste oil effectively and completely, so that t
  • ISO9001
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oil purifier, oil purification,oil filtration, oil recycling