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The regenerative heat recuperators transfer heat from the high-temperature fluid to the low-temperature fluid through a heat storage body composed of solid materials.

The regenerative heat recuperators transfer heat from the high-temperature fluid to the low-temperature fluid through a heat storage body composed of solid materials.

recuperators for recuperative burners

Product ID: RFRB

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The regenerative heat recuperators transfer heat from the high-temperature fluid to the low-temperature fluid through a heat storage body composed of solid materials.
After the heating medium reaches a certain temperature by heating the solid material, the cold medium is heated by the solid material to make it reach the heat The purpose of delivery.
Regenerative heat exchangers include rotary and valve switching types.

Regenerative heat recuperators are used in many industrial processes, and the preheating of combustion air is a typical application field.
It can use the heat energy in the combustion exhaust gas to preheat the unburned gas, so as to achieve the purposes of burning low-grade fuel, improving the thermal efficiency of the combustion process,
and achieving a higher combustion reaction temperature.
In this way, the regenerative heat exchanger can be used in metal reduction and heat treatment processes, as well as glass furnace installations, boilers in power plants
  • ISO9001

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