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underground plastic modular tank for rainwater stormwater harvesting storage infiltration soakaway crates

underground plastic modular tank for rainwater stormwater harvesting storage infiltration soakaway crates

Rainwater Harvesting Storage Detention Infiltration Module Tank

Product ID: rainwatertank

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Rainwater Harvestin Module i also called rainwater soakaway crates, or stormwater infiltration tank or retention tank, detention tank and attenuation tank. Doctor Rain Rainwater Harvesting Module is a part of the rainwater utilization system, which can effectively collect and store rainwater. Rainwater resources collected through Doctor Rain Rainwater Module can be used to wash toilets, sprinkle pavement, irrigate lawns, water landscape, and even be used for circulating cooling water and fire fighting water. It can alleviate the current shortage of urban water resources, and is an effective way to open source and save water.
Model No. YBS-M1000
Size 1000x500x400mm
Weight 16kg/tank
Void Ratio 95%
Storage Capacity 200L/tank
Load Capacity 300KN/m2 - 650KN/m2
Temperature -30℃-120℃
Material Virgin or Recycled PP
Colors Available Green,Gray,Black
  • ISO9001

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Rainwater Harvesting Module Tank