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single bubble foil insulation

single bubble foil insulation

Bubble Foil Heat Insulation Aluminum Faced Roll

Product ID: BFI001

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Cuts and installs easier than fiber glass
No odor and toxicity
environmentally- friendly,energy-saving
Compliance with the latest insulation standards
Excellent fire properties
Reflecting up to 97% of radiant heat
re-usable and remains in sustainable shape
Keep warm in winter, hold cool in summer

Product Information

This is a brand new material, make of foil and bubble, can stop unwanted heat, can prevent from water, mold and fungi, it can also be used to make other insulation materials.

Thermal insulation material is versatile in use as it can be used to covers the roofs, ceilings, crawl spaces,
wall and attics and even utilize for packaging purposes. Such radiant barrier film is also used for mobile
house insulation. Large scale steel building and concrete structure can also be insulated with bubble
insulation by pre engineered building insulation. One of the greatest advantages of using thermal
resistance insulatio
  • 9001

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