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Product ID: Supplementary/Additi

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Supplementary/Additional/Side Pontoons and Spud Stabilizers
SUNTON SP series Supplementary Pontoons and Spuds Stabilizers are compulsory attachments to the amphibious undercarriage pontoons to ensure the stability of the machine when it’s operated on deep water. Supplementary pontoons are also called side pontoons or stabilizers, which can be easily attached onto the outer side of the amphibious pontoons. Without the side pontoons and spuds, the dredging operation will be dangerous because the machine is unstable and even turns over when the machine is entirely floating on the deep water.

The spuds are foldable spuds and all the activities of the spuds including standing, lying, positioning and rising etc are hydraulically controlled by the operator in the cab. The spuds length could be custom-designed as per the water depths concerned. Normal side pontoons are usually equipped with 2 spuds in total. As an optional choice, SUNTON could also build 4-spud side pontoon stabilizer fo

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